Author: monique

Aubrey Pasial proudly received two Awards this year from Intuit.

Our founder and Managing Director, Aubrey Pasial is awarded for the second time for Intuit’s top 100 ProAdvisors, first in 2015 and now 2017 and he is also the 2017 Intuit Top International Pro Advisor. Proudly he received his award & gifts. Aubrey is an Advanced QuickBooks ProAdvisor, QuickBooks Enterprise Solution Advisor and QuickBooks POS … Continued

Class helped with CURA DOET

CLASS has been active as a TEAM during the great CURA DOET action on Friday, March 9th! “Kolegio San Dominico Siklo 1” looks beautiful again with a new coat of paint and cleaned grounds! GREAT WORK Aubrey, Aishelique, Chloë, Irenka, Jenny, Jose, Junny, Lucio Milly, Suzy & Tishanteley.  

On Boot camp with QuickBooks

During two days the participants trained their knowledge about QuickBooks. Went to sections they never knew they existed! A successful International Conference with MARIO NOWOGRODZKI & AUBREY PASIAL. See below an impression of the two day conference!    

Succesful Basic QuickBooks training

On 23rd November MARIO NOWOGRODZKI & AUBREY PASIAL gave a successful Basic QuickBooks to a enthusiastic group of attendees. See here an impression of this Compas thru QuickBooks!  

2 Day International QuickBooks Conference

On this 6th International QuickBooks conference in Curaçao with Mario Nowogrodzki and Aubrey Pasial we will tackle in depth subjects of QuickBooks, so it’s necessary to know something of Accounting and QuickBooks. It will be intense and after the two days you will have learned a lot and feel very satisfied. All training days are … Continued

1 Day QuickBooks Basic Training

‘Your Compass through QuickBooks’ is a perfect basic training for everyone who deals with accounting; like small business owners, secretaries, administration clerk and students. In this one day QuickBookstraining, we will cover the following topics: QuickBooks Company File Set Up, Company preferences, Items, Customer (income), Vendors (expenses) and General Journal entries. There will be a … Continued

Early bird cards available

It is with great pleasure that we present to you our revamped newsletter. With the intention to provide and delight you with relevant and recent developments of our branch in general and QuickBooks in particular. Our first edition is entirely in the light of our 6th International QuickBooks Conference, and our basic QuickBooks training of which … Continued

International QuickBooks Conference 2016

Upcoming event 6th International QuickBooks Conference 2016 on 24/25 November. Save the date and follow us on the social media for early bird tickets and more details.